Spreading kindness is absolutely crucial in today’s world. My whole mission is encourage and empower people to think about others even in a small way every single day. Nothing extravagant but showing you care. 

Everyone is capable of kindness. In the state of our world we need it more than ever!

I believe a little goes a long way. No huge displays or expensive and lavish gifts but thoughtful and meaningful tokens or words do more for morale than most empty offerings could.

I believe we have to pay it forward. Casting one Little rock leaves ripples that keep touching more lives. It is never an action that is for glory or fame but truly comes from a place of gratitude and helping another man. 

Join me on this journey as I share creative and thoughtful ways to connect and show you care with all the people in your life. Our world will be a better place because of it- that I’m convinced of! 

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