5 Ways to Cut Gift Giving Stress

 Do you ever wonder how to cut down on your gift giving stress?! The holidays come up so quick and you're left drowning and wondering what to get.  Let me share some ways to ease that burden that literally anyone can do.  These tips will save you so much time and stress!

1.  Start Early

I like to jot down notes all throughout the year on just the "notes" app of my phone.  Label it Christmas 2017 and easily just add the name and idea for the person.  This not only lets me save all my ideas for quick reference at a store but also keeps in my mind the budget because I don't want to cram everything into 1 or 2 months.  I can spread out purchases and store for later.   This is also wise in the online shopping world where clear cutoffs are made if you need gifts by a certain date.  Prices tend to rise and shipping too the closer it gets!

2.  Really Look and Listen

Did your coworker compliment your new earrings?  Did your husband notice that new restaurant that just popped up?  Quick recollections can save you down the road.  Often my husband and I never make it to the theater to see the new movie we wanted to.  I jot it down and check if its on DVD around Christmas so we can still catch it at home - or I check with Netflix since sometimes they get movies super fast now too!

3. Know the Boundaries

With some people in your life, boundaries about gifts are set early on. Do you have that you already note? Let me give you some examples.  For a certain group of my friends we give a gift to each couple and we generally spend about the same on each so we know that will not change each year.  I don't have to count on getting each person a gift.  Sometimes work functions the same way - do they have an exchange where you just buy for one person? Those can eliminate certain people and help your bottom line as well.

4. "Re-gift"

Ahhh...bet you didn't expect to see this did you?!  Well not in the general sense but yes this can help with gift giving stress!  There are always gifts you get that might not speak the most to your personality I have a special pile for mine in storage.  I evaluate them each year because sometimes circumstances change.  Staring a new job this year - my new boss loves this scent so that candle would actually work for her and be a thoughtful gift because she has many of them in her office.  Another great regift opportunity is to sell gifts that can't be returned.  If you know you'll never use it but it has value then why not.  Varagesale and other apps make this easy especially for bigger items.  You could also check out "regift" piles that friends or family have to trade for any gifts or throw a garage sale together to earn some money!

5.  Avoid the "Sales"

I really try to avoid last minute shopping in between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Some big ticket items that are marked down are ok because you won't see those prices again, but generally items go on sale throughout the year too.  The hustle and bustle leads to buying gifts that I wouldn't normally buy "just to have something."  Don't get me wrong sometimes there are great things too but not a whole lot in my opinion.  The crowds and gimmicky sales tend to be overrated but in the world of online shopping you can change that as well.

Family Date: Target Practice and Smores!

How often do we work and think about everything else going on in our life and forget our family?! I know it happens more often than I like that's for sure with work, church, or just their basic needs we sometimes forget the fun times we can plan instead of errands and events they get dragged to.

With little ones this is so ideal and so fun!  I'd say any kids above age 3 or so would really enjoy this family date.


Gather supplies - the Dollar Store is a great place to stock up on supplies!

  • Target (either homemade or Nerf target) I just used a concentric circles on cardstock 😏
  • Nerf Gun like this one - either with foam darts or these fun Q-Tip shooters are pretty low key too.  
  • Smore Supplies (crackers, chocolate, marshmallows, and fun toppings - caramel, peanut butter, gummy worms - you can get creative) 
You could go all out and get this bad boy (I'm literally drooling looking at it)

*note* We don't really shooting in any capacity in our house but it is always referenced to NEVER shoot at people with any weapon even a Nerf gun.


1.  Decide how many shots each family member gets at the target and where they should stand.   The person with the highest total gets to pick the movie they watch that evening (or show!)

2. During intermission of the movie - write down possible smore topping and have the members of the family spin to see what goes inside their smore.  You can do all tasty toppings or a few Fear Factor level ones like mayonnaise (super ew!).  Even older to middle school boys would get a kick out of that!

I adapted the Smore Date Night idea from the Dating Divas into a more family friendly version.  They have some amazing printables all ready to go if you to want to do this  or GIFT it making it so incredibly easy!!

S'more Flavor Game

Personally, I made this date for our babysitter who has two sons.  I know she does SO MUCH in taking care of my kiddos all week and I know she loves spending time with her family.  I wanted something that would engage a teenage boy in family time and I think it did the trick.  One Nerf gun and printables then some packaged foods really was pretty cheap overall for a night of fun and would be something any family but one especially with boys would LOVE! 


Spreading kindness is absolutely crucial in today’s world. My whole mission is encourage and empower people to think about others even in a small way every single day. Nothing extravagant but showing you care. 

Everyone is capable of kindness. In the state of our world we need it more than ever!

I believe a little goes a long way. No huge displays or expensive and lavish gifts but thoughtful and meaningful tokens or words do more for morale than most empty offerings could.

I believe we have to pay it forward. Casting one Little rock leaves ripples that keep touching more lives. It is never an action that is for glory or fame but truly comes from a place of gratitude and helping another man. 

Join me on this journey as I share creative and thoughtful ways to connect and show you care with all the people in your life. Our world will be a better place because of it- that I’m convinced of! 

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